Day 122. Did we find business partners?

There were no responses to yesterday’s requests, resulting in the following indicators: 0 results out of 11 requests. These were the potential business partners I contacted through Viber, Telegram, and WhatsApp. There are a few web studios left that work via email, like us, and today I sent an offer to those email addresses.
The statistics are as follows:
Unique visits: 44
Total impressions: 41
Average CTR: 12.2%
Average position: 31.6
Total clicks: 5
However, I do not view this as a positive result, as these indicators increased during my advertising with web studios, and therefore, these are not our potential clients.
By the way, I explored the Forums.digitalpoint forum. Advertising posts on this forum are paid, so I was unable to place our web hosting ads there. I will keep this opportunity in mind to find business partners and exchanging experiences with other users.