Day 125. Which department deals with cooperation offers?

This morning, I created an email account using the Gmail service. Later, I will attempt to configure all possible settings for this email to present the most acceptable image. Since I have never done this before, I will need to study and experiment as I go through the process.
By midday, I completed the list of all companies in Bulgaria and moved on to creating a list of all operating companies in Croatia. On average, each European country has approximately the same number of studios for website development and design, with the average figure being 340. However, it is often the case that one company operates in multiple countries and sometimes on different continents. Therefore, I check each company’s website in a Google doc for consistency.
I also observed that there may be several email addresses listed on a company website. It is essential to choose the primary one or the address which department deals with the partnership offers.
It would be highly inappropriate to send your business proposal to a support or sales email if there is an email address for the main office. Often, if you contact the wrong department, your offer may not even be considered. This is particularly relevant when it comes to submitting resumes.
At my previous job, support and finance departments received resumes from potential employees. But management would frequently delete these emails without reviewing them. They justified this by stating that if a person is so inattentive that they cannot discern which department to contact, then they would not be valuable to us. I have always disagreed with this viewpoint. It has consistently surprised and outraged me.