Day 127. Looking for business partners in Ukraine

Every day my skills become more and more perfect. I pay attention to such little things that I did not notice before. Less and less time I need to quickly analyze a website and find the necessary information.
Someone hides the data with a button, someone places the email address as a picture. Somewhere it is impossible to copy the data, because some tricky traps are written in the website code. You will understand what I am writing about now when you start preparing your own databases of potential partners.
Today I finished the lists of all the companies in Croatia and started collecting lists of all web studios in Ukraine. I was given a list of more than 1400 companies, but having selected in the filter only those that specialize in website development, 423 potential business partners in Ukraine remained. Well, this is the largest list of those I have already worked with. But the percentage of potential partners is also higher. This cannot but please …