Day 128. How to avoid spam filters

The statistics on visits have plateaued, and I continue to compile lists of all web studios in Ukraine. By the end of the day, I had processed approximately 70% of the information. I must admit that this task has begun to wear on me a bit and even irritate me to some extent. Most likely, the cause is the monotonous nature of this work, which repeats day after day without any variety. Alternatively, my emotional state could be contributing; who knows? Tomorrow, I will assess how much energy I have renewed to continue gathering information.
You may be wondering why I have not yet started sending messages to the prepared lists. I will explain my reasoning.
While visiting all these websites, I agreed to their cookie policies and left many traces online. My internet service provider’s IP address was recorded when I visited these sites, so I decided not to work on the mailing list immediately; instead, I would wait a little while. The same applies to my email; I want it to settle down a bit before I begin using it again.
I do all of this to avoid being placed on spam mailing lists. It may not matter, but it makes me feel better knowing that I am trying to do everything to avoid spam filters.