Day 132. First emails have been sent

The current statistics are as follows:
Unique visits: 51
Total impressions: 48
Average CTR: 14.6%
Average position: 27.7
Total clicks: 7
I began sending first emails.
There is always a fear that the email addresses may end up on spam lists. I sent the initial emails with caution, deciding to start with 10 emails. The interval between sending emails was 10 minutes, and sometimes even longer when I got distracted by various household chores.
Throughout the day, I sent emails to the following web studios in Ukraine: DRUM’N’CODE, WPWP, Emsider, VINTAGE, WebArtix, VT Labs, iDeus, SOLAR Digital, WONDER WEB, and VALMAX.
WONDER WEB encountered a delivery error, and no other responses or notifications were received by the evening.