Day 161. About programming training online

We will soon be posting the next article on our hosting blog, so today I started looking for information about programming training online.
I am exploring the directions, prospects, and future of this type of activity, and most importantly, the programs and services that should be used when working in the IT field. All this will help me write a new article on programming that includes useful information and, of course, our advertising.
By lunchtime, I had studied almost all the materials available on the Internet, checked the terminology, and started writing. A few hours later, the article was ready. I often find myself wanting to write concisely, but I feel it is impossible, as I aim to present the maximum amount of necessary information in a way that is accessible and substantial for every reader, whether they are a professional or a beginner.
The article is complete. I browsed through Reddit a little more but did not find anything useful for myself. Currently, it seems that all the posts are related to politics or other social topics. At the moment, I have not noticed a space for hosting on this platform. Over time, I will revisit this platform.