Day 166. Unsure about the next steps
Today, I reviewed all the posts across our forums, providing answers and likes on various topics that could be related, as well as some that were entirely unrelated to web hosting work.
The mood felt somewhat peculiar, as I am unsure of the next steps to take, and it seems I have exhausted all possible options for free promotion and development.
Throughout the day, I visited the following forums:
– Forums.hostsearch: 8 posts
– Forums.digitalpoint: 7 posts
– Forums.thewebhostbiz: 5 posts
– Letshosttalk: 7 posts
– Quora: 11 posts
While studying the discussion topics, I noticed a trend of people engaging in more general subjects unrelated to technology or programming. Despite these forums being focused on Internet technologies and website monetization, the discussions often revolved around films, games, and life experiences that forum participants may have encountered.
It was intriguing and engaging, but I doubt it will yield the desired results in selling our web hosting services.
Tomorrow, I will update all the advertisements on the platforms where I previously registered and posted our ads.