Day 33. Continuing with free online advertising on forums

Today, I began responding to forum posts that were posted two days ago. Since all posts are initially moderated, I did not leave many posts because I am unsure of the criteria for evaluating information. So far, I have left 5 posts:
On Webhostingtalk, I left 1 post. There are practically no topics for discussion, as all posts are very old and mostly consist of free online advertising from long-time users with high ratings.
On Hostingdiscussion, I also left 1 post. This forum is a bit mysterious to me, with many topics and rooms for discussion. But there are not much live communication about hosting. There are free online advertising and strange posts on unclear topics, which may be familiar to those in the field but are unusual for me as a beginner.
On Forums.hostsearch, I left 2 posts. This forum is active and I would recommend it. There are a few discussion topics, but posts are not moderated before being entered into the system. There are no additional conditions or hidden blocks.
Tomorrow, I will check these forums and make posts on other forums where I have registered.