Day 59. About types of advertising

Yesterday’s failure, the lack of visits and potential clients today awakened the advertising monster within me. This monstrous entity decided to disregard all rules and established orders. If we are constantly pressured to pay for everything, then why bother investing time in forums and social networks that only benefit others financially? All marketing tools with different types of advertising seem to be controlled by greedy monopolists. Unless regular users stop feeding into their profits, the future of internet business remains uncertain.
With this mindset, I enthusiastically dove into Quora. Instead of providing standard responses to inquiries, I began answering from an advertiser’s perspective. For instance, when asked how to configure DNS, I didn’t just provide the steps. I also included information on how we handle it, a link to our website, and contact details for all relevant departments.
As a result, I posted 12 responses with our links, emails, and recommendations.
Meanwhile, my partner was preparing advertising blocks for placement on forums where we answer user questions.