Day 73. Looking for ways to earn extra money

Today, I had faucets and survey websites on my schedule. I visited a few websites and attempted to earn some extra money.
When it comes to cryptocurrency faucets, I can say that it is not a very rewarding task in the long-term. The cryptocurrency rates are constantly changing, and the amounts you receive vary as well. You can only withdraw funds when you reach a minimum balance or through intermediary services. This didn’t appeal to me as I had tried it back in 2013 when it was more profitable to earn some extra money this way.
As for review sites and social surveys, I was hesitant to register on such platforms. I was unsure about the legality and honesty of these sites, and my “paranoia” made me fear the possibility of encountering fraud. These websites require you to provide personal information such as phone numbers and bank card details for fund transfers, which I was not comfortable with. I THROWED IT IN THE TRASH.
If you are already active on social networks like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, you might not need to explore these other options. You can earn money or attract clients through advertising on these platforms. Unfortunately, our attempts to register on these social networks were unsuccessful, and we are not eligible for paid business accounts.