Day 86. My mind refreshing tips

Official day of relaxation and mind refreshing. Almost a state of idleness. I did some cleaning, washing, and other household chores. When neighbors opt to take the stairs instead of riding in the elevator together, it’s a sign that it’s time to do some general cleaning and laundry. It’s surprising how even the smallest room can get so messy. I also shaved today, which felt nice and comfortable, providing an unforgettable feeling. This is what happens when you don’t look in the mirror for two months.
My computer didn’t turn on until almost evening, so I had to check my email using my mobile phone, which was the most productive thing I did today.
In general, it’s important to make it a habit to keep a close eye on your email if you’re in this line of work, as it is your main tool for communication.
Another crucial rule is to back up all your data daily. It’s best to start this habit early on, before you have a lot of clients, tickets, workloads, or issues to deal with. By doing so, you will never find yourself at a disadvantage during the work process.