Day 117. Is live web chat effective?
Today, our statistics have improved, and we have the following results:
Unique visits: 41
Total impressions: 35
Average CTR: 6.5%
Average position: 37.7
Total clicks: 2
This morning, I saw that I had received a response to yesterday’s request for cooperation from the first web studio, and I was declined.
During the day, I tried to make the web chat effective. I submitted four more requests to other web studios on the list, but I received refusals from all of them. I spent the entire day waiting for responses and concluded that online chats are not effective in real-time. Only one web studio provided a quick response, politely stating that they were not interested in cooperation. In the evening, I submitted another request, but I have not yet received a response.
At the same time, I left several reviews on the Quora service. Perhaps my activity on this site contributed to the statistics.